Around all the coast of Sicily there are many cities where you would have to stop and visit: Sciacca is obviously one of them. Located in the northen-west of Sicily, every year this town is invaded by many tourists from all over the world who rent a villa in Sciacca to visit it. In fact, Sciacca offers many things to see and to visit both to relax or have fun and also to enrich own cultural background.
We can start to tell about the Castello Luna, a castle built in the highest part of the town that dates back to the Middle Age (1380). This is the most important medieval monument in Sciacca and, thanks to its position, it is possible to see all the landscape around until the sea: an experience you have to try. The castle is today composed by its defense walls, a great tower, a cylindrical tower and the Palazzo del Conte (Count’s Palace).
An other interesting castle in Sciacca is Castello Incantato (Enchanted Castle) that takes its name because of its strange atmosphere. In fact, this castle hides many sculptures of heads around its big park, among all the olive trees and almond trees, made by the local artist Filippo Bentivegna in the first part of the XX century. Castello Incantato is of course a place to visit during your stay in Sciacca.
Going in the centre place of Sciacca you will easily see the Duomo, as well as the main church of the town. Its architecture is able to enachant just from the first view but you have to go inside to appreciate its beauties, above all the fresco representing the apocalypse painted by the artist Tommaso Rossi.
About the artistical monuments in Sciacca there are many other interesting places like the Palazzo Steripinto, Museo Scaglione, Eremo di San Calogero, just to say a few. And if you want to discover also the sea of Sciacca, there some places that you have to sign: Capo San Marco beach and Grotte del Caricatore. The first one is a relaxing beach of soft sand to stay with your children and tan under the special Sicilian sun; the second one is a historical sea place, open to the public to show how the wheat was saved before being shipped by sea.
We offered some tips to enjoy a magical holiday in Sciacca, now it’s your turn: rent a villa of our catalogue and discover Sciacca and its beauties!